Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Avoid Overtraining and Injury

It's no secret that to reach one's goal for muscle gain or weight loss, you need to work harder and invest in longer hours at the gym. However, too much of anything can be harmful to you, especially when it comes to personal training. Without a personal trainer to guide you in your workout routine, there's a higher risk of causing injury to yourself.

muscle gain over training injury
Knowing when to pause helps avoid injuries.
How do you know if you're overtraining? Take note of the following over training symptoms. If you think that two or more apply to you then it's best for you to take some time off from your workout program. Usually, three to four days should be enough to get you back on the perfect condition to train again, but once you resume training, make sure you do so at a reduced intensity. If you still notice some symptoms, take at least two weeks off. If the symptoms return, you should consult your GP.

-Lacking desire to train.
-Constantly feeling tired and listless.
-Decreased maximal heart rate.
-Greater susceptibility to illness – usually in the throat and chest.
-Mood swings.
-Feeling anxious and stressed.
-An increase in resting heart rate (RHR). An increase above 'normal' can indicate that you have not fully recovered from your previous workouts or are suffering from stress.
-Sleep problems.
-Lack of appetite.

Muscle Soreness

That pain in your muscles is known as delayed on-set muscle soreness (DOMS) is an inevitable consequence of muscle gain training. It's caused by the microscopic tears in your muscles that result from weight training. When these heal, they produce bigger stronger muscles, provided that you're getting enough rest and recovery. It's actually the healing process that causes the soreness. Vitamins A, C, and E can help to reduce the inflammatory responses associated with muscle soreness, as well as a sock in a hot bath.
Follow these simple safety steps to make sure that you don't hurt yourself during your workouts in the gym:

> When you're only in the first stages of your workout plan, it's better to underestimate what you think you can lift.
> Learn the technique to correct lifting.
> Don't push yourself. Take some time off when you're feeling tired or sick.
> Train with a spotter or use a Smith machine when you're lifting heavy weights.
> Make it a habit to check if the equipment you’ll be using is in perfect condition.
> Put the collars on the bars, they're in there for a purpose.
> Train in style and wear the right gear.
> Always warm up and warm down.
> Don't hesitate to ask for advice from a suitably qualified and experienced personal trainer.